Sanitary Pamphlets - Sanitary Office Glasgow
- Reference:GB 243 D-HE6/7/8/1
- Dates of Creation:1866 - 1872
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:1 volume Volume
Scope and Content
Includes: General Board of Health - Minute of Information on Disinfection and Deodorization prepared by Lindsey Blyth, Analytical Chemist of the General Board of Health, 1866; Moule's Patent Earth System [for deodorising excrement] c1870; Glasgow Corporation Water Works Report on the Water Mains From Mugdock by James Gale [with map], 1870; Colquhoun's Closets or The Dry and Ventilating System in lieu of the Present Water Closet and Sewage System by John Colquhoun addressed to Her Majesty's River Pollution Commissioners, 1870; A Sanitary Enquiry into the Probable Causes of Yearly Epidemics in England as Observed at Leicester by Richard Weaver, 1871 with a letter from the author to George McKay; Report on the Religious Condition of Glasgow by the Association for Promoting the Religious and Social Improvement of the City, 1871; The Scottish Val de Travers Paving Company [advertising for the sanitary properties of their asphalt with 'On the Sanitary Advantages of Smooth and Impermeable Street Surfaces by Edwin Chadwick, 1871; National Disease - Remarks upon the Prevailing epidemic of Small-pox Its Cause and Prevention, with Notes on Public Health, Eruptive Disease etc, 1871; Board of Police Greenock Sanitary Department - Reports on Sanitary Arrangements of Dundee, Perth, Aberdeen etc, 1871; Plan for the Disposal of the Sewage of Glasgow and for the Purification of the Clyde and Kelvin by T L Paterson, 1872 with a copy of a letter from Paterson to Andrew Fergus MD; The Carbon Closet System [disposal of faeces through a dry closet system], 1871; House-Overcrowding and Mortality in Glasgow by William Holms, 1869; Report upon the Vital Social and Economic Statistics of Glasgow for 1869 by William West Watson, 1870 and 1871; Ventilation and Improved Houses for the Poorer Classes by D G Hooey, 1870 with plans; The Rising Tide of Irreligion, Pauperism Immorality and Death in Glasgow and How to Turn it: Facts and Suggestions by Rev James Johnston, 1871; Ventilation of Sewers by Baldwin Latham, read to the Society of Engineers, 1871; Report on the Sanitary Condition of Birkenhead by C O Baylis, 1871; The Sewage Question with Remarks on a Little Suspected Frequent and Not Easily Detected Source of Typhoid and other Zymotics by Andrew Fergus, 1871; and Excremental Pollution: A Cause of Disease by Andrew Fergus, 1872.
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