67a - Board of Control - Mental a) England and Wales b) Scotland
- Reference:GB 243 D-HE1/9/2/20
- Dates of Creation:1875 - 1972
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:1 file
Scope and Content
Numbered circulars from the General Board of Control and the Department of Health for Scotland including: Memorandum on the Mental Treatment Act 1930; Visiting Book for Pauper Patients in Private Dwellings 1930 [blank report sheets]; Lunacy and Mental Treatment England, 1930; Mental Hospital Accommodation, 1931; Asylum Officers Superannuation Act 1909; Mental Deficiency Regulations 1935; National Health Service Psychiatric Social Workers, 1950; Mental Health Act 1959; Mental Health Review Tribunal Rules 1960; Mental Health Court of Protection Rules 1960; Mental Health (Powers of Inspection) Regulations 1960; Mental Health (Hospitals and Guardianship) Regulations, 1960; Mental Health (Registration and Inspection of Mental Nursing Homes) Regulations 1960; transmission of female patients, 1880; visits by relatives, 1883; visits of pauper patients by Parochial Board, 1875; prevention of suicides, 1884; completing the registers of restraint and seclusion, 1889; voluntary boarders, 1891; conveyance of pauper lunatics by sea, 1898; protection of the insane from maltreatment, 1901; application of certificates of emergency, 1914; expiration dates for periods of detention, 1915; respective liability of Parish Councils and School Boards under the Mental Deficiency and Lunacy (Scotland) Act, 1916; pauper lunatics in private dwellings, 1919; protection from sexual interference of female defectives, 1922; provision for dangerous defectives in Perth Prison, 1922; recognition of the Scottish branch of the Medico-Psychological Association, 1924; detention of criminal lunatics in ordinary asylums, 1928; induced malaria as a curative treatment, 1928 and 1936; administrative changes under the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1929; procedure for escapes, 1931; grants to voluntary associations assisting defectives whilst not in institutions, 1931; army enlisting of mental defectives, 1931; sample forms for petition to sheriff etc; treatment of war neuroses by general practitioners, 1940; Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 1949 explanatory memorandum, 1949; welfare needs of the mentally handicapped 1957; maintenance of certified mental patients and mental defectives outside hospital, 1958; Mental Health (Scotland) Act 1960; lists of medical practitioners approved under section 27 of the 1960 Mental Health (Scotland) Act 1963-1969; and ascertainment of mentally handicapped children, 1965. Index at front.
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