5b - Housing (Scotland)
- Reference:GB 243 D-HE1/9/2/3
- Dates of Creation:1930 - 1952
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:1 file
Scope and Content
Numbered circulars from the Department of Health for Scotland on housing including: hostel accommodation for single persons, 1930; Memorandum by the Department of Health for Scotland on the management of houses, 1931; Suggested byelaws for preventing and abating overcrowding in improvement areas, 1931; State-Assisted Housing Schemes - class of tenant, 1933; revision of subsidies, 1934; Housing (Scotland) Act 1935 - prevention of overcrowding, re-development areas and finance and letting; Housing (Computation of Floor Area) regulations, 1935; measurement of rooms, 1936 with sample form; Procedure in regard to insanitary houses, 1936; Community Life in New Housing Schemes, 1936; Housing (Rural Workers) (Scotland) Acts 1926 and 1938; Cooperation of Civil with Navy, Army and Air Forces Authorities in Sanitary Matters, 1939; notes on inspection of billets, 1939; Reconditioning and Requisitioning of Housing Accommodation for Persons Rendered Homeless as the Result of Enemy Action, 1941; Repair of War Damage Act 1941; The Care of Old People, 1947; Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1947; Central Land Board, 1948 with sample form to claim compensation; Reduction in Capital Expenditure Control of Building Operations, 1950; Low Cost Houses with plans, 1951. Index at front.
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