Reports of Medical Officer - Sanitary Office Glasgow
- Reference:GB 243 D-HE1/5/3
- Dates of Creation:1873 - 1893
- Language of Material:English
- Physical Description:1 volume Volume
Scope and Content
All articles by James Russell unless otherwise stated. Report on a Outbreak of Enteric Fever connected with milk-supply, 1873; Report on Certain Recent Outbreaks of Enteric Fever in Glasgow, 1875; Report on Outbreak of Enteric Fever in West-End of Glasgow and Hillhead with memorandum on the milk-supply of Glasgow in relation to the dissemination of infectious disease by milk, 1878; Memorandum by Medical Officer on the Duties of the Local Authority in Reference to Itch with newspaper cutting on a poor law case relating to a man who could not work as he was suffering from itch, 1880; Report upon certain Epidemic Outbreaks of Enteric Fever in April 1880; Report on cases of infectious sickness at Dairy Farms 24th January 1881; Report by the Medical Officer on Outbreak of Enteric Fever in Glasgow Royal and Western Infirmaries and Fever Hospital in August 1884; Remarks by the Medical Officer of Health Glasgow on Report by Kilwinning Local Authority to the Board of Supervision in Reference to Outbreak of Enteric Fever in Glasgow and the Sanitary Condition of Dairy Farms, 1885; On Disinfection, reprinted from the Glasgow Medical Journal, 1884; Memorandum by the Medical Officer of Health of Glasgow on Definition of Infectious Disease in Burgh Police and Health (Scotland) Bill, 1888; The Garnethill Scarlet Fever Epidemic - a microscopical investigation regarding its cause by Dr Neil Carmichael, 1889; The History and Circumstances of a Peculiar Outbreak of Febrile Disease in St Mary's Roman Catholic Industrial School for Boys, Glasgow, March 1888 by James Russell with notes on the clinical aspect of the disease by Samson Gemmell, 1888; Statement of the Case for St Mary's Industrial Schools, Glasgow, in answer to the request of the Home Secretary to the Directors [a response to Dr Russell's article]; Observations on the History of an Outbreak of a Febrile Disease among the Inmates, chiefly boys, in St Mary's Industrial School, Abercromby Street, Glasgow by James Russell and presented by G W Muir, 1888; Errors in the Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases, reprinted from the Glasgow Medical Journal, 1890; Memorandum by Medical Officer on the question of granting hospital accommodation and disinfection to local authorities of districts outwith the municipal boundaries of Glasgow, 1880; The Policy and Practice of Glasgow in the Management of Epidemic Diseases with Results, 1883; Report of Deputation appointed by the Board of Police to proceed to London and other cities in the Kingdom where useful information regarding the construction of Small-Pox Hospitals is likely to be obtained, 1874; Memorandum on the Hospital Accommodation for Infectious Diseases in Glasgow, 1883; City of Glasgow Fever and Smallpox Hospitals -Bye-Laws for regulating the conduct and duties of the officers and servants, 1884; City of Glasgow Fever and Small-pox Hospitals - Belvidere [descriptive article with history and plans); and Report of Deputation appointed to visit and inspect Hospitals with Reference to the new Hospital at Ruchill, 5th May 1893. Index at front.
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