- Catalogues75
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- 61Correspondence:Henry Hyatt Howell to Arthur Roope Hunt1884-1909Ref:GB 237 Coll-74/12/5Location:Edinburgh University Library Heritage CollectionsExtent:22 letters None which affect the use of this materialLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 62OEDA (William Ashton Tait) Archivesc1960s-2007Ref:GB 249 T-OEDALocation:University of Strathclyde Archives and Special CollectionsName of creator:Society for the Prevention of Asbestosis and Industrial Diseases London Occupational and Environmental Diseases Association London.Extent:c50 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 63Oral history project on the changing work identity of Govan's shipbuilders c. 1960-2016August - October 2016Ref:GB 249 SOHC 33Location:University of Strathclyde Archives and Special CollectionsName of creator:University of Strathclyde | Scottish Oral History Centre,Stride Rory fl 2016 student at University of Strathclyde.Extent:6 digital audio files, 5 transcriptsLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 64Pamphlets1868 - 1951Ref:GB 249 T-GED/23Location:University of Strathclyde Archives and Special CollectionsLanguage:English French German SpanishMore Details
- 65John Bethune, James III or the Royal Parricide: a tragedy or historical Drama, c.1820.1783, c.1820.Ref:GB 227 msPR4109.B3Location:University of St Andrews Special CollectionsName of creator:Bethune John.Extent:1 volume, 130pp. Binding: Brown paper on boards. Paper: 20.3x26.5cmLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 66John Scot, The Staggering State of the Scots, 16501650-1663Ref:GB 227 msDA765.S3Location:University of St Andrews Special CollectionsName of creator:John Scot George Buchanan.Extent:1 volume, 171ppLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 67Instructions of Henry VIII to Raulf Sadler, 1543, with John Scot of Scotstarvit, The staggering state of the Scots, 1650.c.1700Ref:GB 227 msDA331.S2Location:University of St Andrews Special CollectionsName of creator:Henry VIII king of England Ralph Sadler John Scot of Scotstarvit.Extent:1 volume, ms1017: 422pp; ms1018: 60ppLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 68Copy bond of obligation of George Leslie to deliver Kirkwall castle to James III, 148713 August 1487Ref:GB 227 msDA783.L4K5Location:University of St Andrews Special CollectionsName of creator:Leslie George.Extent:1 sheetLanguage:ScotsMore Details
- 69Beatrice Webb, A summer holiday in Scotland, 1884.1884-1885Ref:GB 227 msDA865.W4Location:University of St Andrews Special CollectionsName of creator:Webb Beatrice.Extent:1 volume, 98ffLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 70Papers of Wilfrid Wardca. 1868-ca.1945 (bulk 1890-1916)Ref:GB 227 ms38347-38348, ms38469 and ms38508Location:University of St Andrews Special CollectionsName of creator:Ward Wilfrid.Extent:17 boxesMore Details
- 71Peter Mackay Archive1948 - 2013Ref:GB 559 USASC/MKLocation:University of Stirling Archives & Special CollectionsName of creator:Mackay Peter John Sutherland (1926-2013) Journalist.Extent:28 crates trunks and filing cabinets Loose papers, bound volumes, files, photographsLanguage:English Ndebele North Chichewa SwahiliMore Details
- 72Thomas Craufurd, Corrections to Buchanan's History, 1661.1661, 1668Ref:GB 227 msDA775.C8Location:University of St Andrews Special CollectionsName of creator:Thomas Crawford Robert Mylne.Extent:1 volume, 191ffLanguage:English ScotsMore Details
- 73Transcript of Pitscottie's chronicle, c.1600ca.1600Ref:GB 227 msDA784.L6Location:University of St Andrews Special CollectionsName of creator:Robert Lindsay of Pitscottie.Extent:1 volume, i-vi + 1-236 + vii-viii ppLanguage:ScotsMore Details
- 74Books1531 - 1949Ref:GB 249 T-GED/24Location:University of Strathclyde Archives and Special CollectionsExtent:30 metres BooksLanguage:Ancient Greek English French German LatinMore Details
- 75Letter from Mary of Guise to Antoine de Noailles, 1555.28 July 1555Ref:GB 227 msDA784.7Location:University of St Andrews Special CollectionsName of creator:Guise Mary of.Extent:2ppLanguage:FrenchMore Details