- Catalogues372
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- 21Papers of Dr Allan Campbell, 1922-2011, medical graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland1939-1991Ref:GB 248 UGC 147Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Campbell Dr Allan John Mackenzie (1922-2011 : medical graduate : University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.01 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 22Papers of Robert Howat, medical graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland20 Apr 1920Ref:GB 248 ACCN 3626Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Howat Robert.Extent:0.03 linear metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 23Papers of Herbert Watt Torrance, 1892-1977, medical graduate and medical missionary, University of Glasgowc 1910-1975Ref:GB 248 UGC 164Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Torrance Herbert Watt (1892-1977 : medical graduate and medical missionary: University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.09 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 24Records of Beta Club (1947-1952), Medical Year Club, University of Glasgow, Scotland.1952-2003Ref:GB 248 ACCN 3395Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:0.46 linear metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 25Papers of William Gordon Craig, civil engineering graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland1948-1952Ref:GB 248 UGC 153Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Craig William Gordon.Extent:0.39 linear metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 26Papers of John Nairn Marshall, fl 1882, medical student, University of Glasgow, Scotland1882Ref:GB 248 DC 275Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Marshall John Nairn (fl 1882 : medical student : University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.04 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 27Papers of Eliza McCallum Crawford, b.1907, arts graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland1925-1926Ref:GB 248 DC 345Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Crawford Eliza McCallum (b1907 : arts graduate : University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.13 metres (8 notebooks)Language:EnglishMore Details
- 28Papers of Christian Smith Gibson, 1898-1980, law graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland1918-1920Ref:GB 248 DC 364Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Gibson Christian Smith (1898-1980 : law graduate : University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.1 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 29Papers of Eliza Anderson, 1889-1977, arts graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland1909-1931Ref:GB 248 DC 383Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Anderson Eliza (1889-1977 : arts graduate : University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.17 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 30Papers of Diarmad Ronald Steele, b 1911, architecture graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland1928-1970Ref:GB 248 UGC 112Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Steele Diarmad Ronald (b 1911: architecture graduate University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.01 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 31Papers of Thomas Ralph Morton, 1900-1977, arts graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland1919-1920Ref:GB 248 DC 441Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Morton Thomas Ralph (1900-1977 : arts graduate : University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.025 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 32Papers of Agnes MacDiarmid, 1898-1976, arts student, University of Glasgow, Scotland1918-1970Ref:GB 248 DC 142Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:MacDiarmid Agnes (1898-1976: arts student University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.1 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 33Papers of Donald Macmillan, 1919-1982, medical graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland1945-1982Ref:GB 248 DC 382Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Macmillan Donald (1919-1982 :medical graduate University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.13 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 34Papers of Nelson Elliot Wallace, 1910-2009, science graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland1904-1982Ref:GB 248 DC 417Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Wallace Nelson Elliot (1910-2009: science graduate University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.26 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 35Papers of John Hugh Paterson, 1900-1979, science graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland1920-1921Ref:GB 248 DC 363Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Paterson John Hugh (1900-1979 : science graduate : University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.04 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 36Papers of Francis Robert Buchanan Stewart, fl.1923, law graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland1922-1979Ref:GB 248 DC 234Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Stewart Francis Robert Buchanan (fl1923: law graduate University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.08 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 37Papers of Thomas Hunt, 1855-1929, medical graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland1876-1877Ref:GB 248 DC 439Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Hunt Thomas (1855-1929 : medical graduate : University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.045 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 38Papers of John Aitken, 1907-1983, engineering graduate, Royal Technical College, Glasgow, Scotland1927-1980Ref:GB 248 DC 208Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Aitken John (1907-1983).Extent:0.09 linear metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 39Papers of William McKirdy Deuchars, b1930, science graduate, University of Glasgow, Scotland1948Ref:GB 248 DC 386Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Deuchars William McKirdy (b1930 : science graduate : University of Glasgow Scotland).Extent:0.02 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 40University of Glasgow : Student law notes, University of Glasgow, Scotlandc.1820Ref:GB 248 DC 409Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesName of creator:Unknown.Extent:0.03 metresLanguage:EnglishMore Details