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- 1Letter to Pontecorvo from the Right Honorable Earl of Halsbury in which he encourages Pontecorvo to apply for a patent for his work on Aspergillus and the parasexual cycle31 Mar 1953Ref:GB 248 UGC 198/3/4/2/2/1Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:1 letter (2 pages)More Details
- 2Correspondence between Pontecorvo and various members of staff at the National Research Development Corporation concerning interviewing and appointing someone to work in Pontecorvo's laboratory on behalf of the National Research Development CorporationDec 1953-Jan 1954Ref:GB 248 UGC 198/3/4/2/3/4Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:3 letters (4 pages)More Details
- 3Assignation between Pontecorvo, Dr Joseph Alan Roper and the National Research Development Corporation for the invention the subject of Patent Applications numbers 24907/51 and 5394/525 Dec 1952Ref:GB 248 UGC 198/3/4/3/13Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:1 document (4 pages)More Details
- 4Copy of a letter from Pontecorvo to the Right Honorable Earl of Halsbury discussing the completion of his collaboratory work with Dr Giuseppe Sermonti on applying their "discovered [recombination] technique" to Penicillium chrysogenum23 Mar 1953Ref:GB 248 UGC 198/3/4/2/2/2Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:1 letter (1 page)More Details
- 5Bundle of correspondence between Pontecorvo and various members of staff at the National Research Development Corporation concerning finding someone to work with Pontecorvo in his laboratory to study asexual reproduction in mouldsJan 1955-Mar 1955Ref:GB 248 UGC 198/3/4/2/3/2Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:6 letters (6 pages)More Details
- 6Correspondence between Pontecorvo and Dr J C Cain, of the National Research Development Corporation, concerning their decision not to pursue his parasexual cycle patent application in Denmark due to objections from the Danish Patent OfficeAug 1960Ref:GB 248 UGC 198/3/4/2/1/2Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:2 letters (2 pages)More Details
- 7Correspondence between Pontecorvo and various members of staff at the National Research Development Corporationabour embarking on a joint research schemeNov 1952Ref:GB 248 UGC 198/3/4/2/3/5Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:8 letters (12 pages)More Details
- 8Bundle of correspondence between Pontecorvo and Dr Martin R Pollock, of the National Institute for Medical Research, and James C Cain, of the National Research Development, concerning Dr Pollock's suggestion that Pontecorvo use the antibiotic screening facilities at Clevedon for his research on recombination in asexual fungiJan 1957Ref:GB 248 UGC 198/3/4/2//1/4Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:7 letters (7 pages)More Details
- 9Copy of a letter from Pontecorvo to Dr M Zvegintzov of the National Research Development Corporation enclosing a draft report on research to date titled Controlled breeding of microorganisms irrespective of the occurence of sexual reproduction2 Oct 1951Ref:GB 248 UGC 198/3/4/2/4/6Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:1 letter, 1 report (5 pages)More Details
- 10Correspondence between Pontecorvo and the Patents Manager of the National Research Development Corporation concerning the NRDC's decision to abandon its interest in Italian Patent no 494272 titled "Synthesis of Strains of Micro-organisms"Mar 1965-Apr 1965Ref:GB 248 UGC 198/3/4/3/1Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:4 letters (4 pages)More Details
- 11Two letters sent to Pontecorvo from the Patents Manager at the National Research Development Corporation enclosing copies of documents Pontecorvo signed in connection with foreign patent applicationsApr 1954Ref:GB 248 UGC 198/3/4/3/11Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:2 letters, 5 documents (8 pages)Language:Italian, Danish,More Details
- 12Revised final copy of Patent Specification 24907/51 and 5394/52 and covering letter from G A Bloxam of the National Research Development CorporationApr 1954Ref:GB 248 UGC 198/3/4/3/10Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:1 letter, 1 document (15 pages)More Details
- 13Draft copies of Agreement, Minute of Agreement and Assignation between Pontecorvo, Dr J Alan Roper and Dr Giuseppe Sermonti and the National Research Development CorporationJun 1955-Oct 1955Ref:GB 248 UGC 198/3/4/2/4/1Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:3 letters, 3 draft agreements (25 pages)More Details
- 14Letter to Pontecorvo from the Technical Manager of the National Research Development Corporation concerning Mr James Hutchison's start date in the Department of Genetics at the University of Glasgow2 Jun 1955Ref:GB 248 UGC 198/3/4/2/3/1Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:1 letter (1 page)More Details
- 15Correspondence between Pontecorvo and the Right Honorable Earl of Halsbury concerning Pontecorvo's complaints against the National Research Development CorporationApr 1956-Oct 1956Ref:GB 248 UGC 198/3/4/2/1/6Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:3 letters, 2 extracts (7 pages)More Details
- 16Correspondence between Pontecorvo and the Right Honorable Earl of Halsbury concerning the National Research Development Corporation's decision not to sponsor further work in Pontecorvo's laboratoryFeb 1953-Mar 1953Ref:GB 248 UGC 198/3/4/2/3/3Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:3 letters, 1 note (5 pages)More Details
- 17Typescript draft copy of a progress report titled Synthesis of Micro-organisms about the principles and techniques of genetic analysis by means of the parasexual and sexual cycles in Aspergillus nidulans24 Mar 1956Ref:GB 248 UGC 198/3/4/2/1/7Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:1 draft report (9 pages)More Details
- 18Correspondence between Pontecorvo and D Hennessey of the National Research Development Corporation, concerning the revised service agreement between Mr James Hutchison and the NRDCMar 1957Ref:GB 248 UGC 198/3/4/2/1/5Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:4 letters (10 pages)More Details
- 19Correspondence between Pontecorvo and G A Bloxam, of the National Research Development Corporation, concerning the Danish Patent Office objecting to his parasexual cycle patent applicationMarch 1959Ref:GB 248 UGC 198/3/4/2/1/3Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:2 letters (3 pages)More Details
- 20Draft patent application form with accompanying draft Patent Specificationc1952Ref:GB 248 UGC 198/3/4/3/12Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesExtent:1 application form (11 pages)More Details