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- 1Precept of sasine under the great seal, following the previous charter of confirmation and novodamus by King Charles I.16 August 1630Ref:GB 248 GUA BL/491Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesLanguage:LatinMore Details
- 2Instrument of sasine under the great seal, following the previous charter of confirmation and novodamus by King Charles I.27 November 1630Ref:GB 248 GUA BL/492Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesLanguage:LatinMore Details
- 3Charter under the privy seal of King Charles I granting 100 pounds Sterling yearly to James Maitland during his lifetime, payable out of the revenues of the bishopric of Galloway and the annexed abbeys and priory, in virtue of a power reserved by the King of bestowing an annuity of 100 pounds out of the said revenues upon anyone he should nominate when the said bishopric and benefices were granted to the college by the King's signature of 11 November 1641.09 September 1642Ref:GB 248 GUA BL/473(1)Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesLanguage:ScotsMore Details
- 4Confirmation by the Parliament of a signature of mortification by King Charles I dated 11th November 1641, whereby the whole feu duties of all lands and baronies belonging to the late bishopric of Galloway, abbacies of Tungland and Glenluce, and priory of Whitehorn, with their whole teinds both of parsonage and vicarage, are disponed in favour of the college of Glasgow.11 November 1641Ref:GB 248 GUA BL/472Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesLanguage:ScotsMore Details
- 5Charter of confirmation and novo damus by King Charles I in favour of the college, confirming all the former possessions, gifts, rights and grants given to the said college.28 June 1630Ref:GB 248 GUA BL/490Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesLanguage:LatinMore Details
- 6Ratification by the Parliament of all the grants and privileges conceded by his present Majesty or his predecessors to the magistrates and community of Glasgow, in consideration of the expense they had incurred in rendering the Clyde navigable, in upholding the great church of Glasgow, in building the Tolbooth and several bridges, with reservation to the Duke of Lennox of his right of bailiery and judiciary, to the archbishop of his right of nominating the magistrates, and to the masters of the college of their privileges and rights.28 June 1633Ref:GB 248 GUA BL/494Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesLanguage:ScotsMore Details
- 7Ratification in Parliament of King Charles' charter of confirmation, with several reservations in favour of the Duke of Lennox's right of bailiery and judiciary, of the town council's right to the chaplaincies of St John and St Mary, and to the privileges of the meal market, and lastly in favour of the rights of the archbishop.28 June 1633Ref:GB 248 GUA BL/493Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesLanguage:ScotsMore Details