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- 1Precept by King James V and his governor to the Master of Semple ordering the payment of two bolls of wheat and two bolls of corn out of the mains of Crockstoun and 2 bolls of oatmeal out of the mill of Darnley to the Black Friars of Glasgow.12 June 1545Ref:GB 248 GUA BL/252Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesLanguage:ScotsMore Details
- 2Precept by King James V and his governor concerning the payment of bolls to the friars.13 August 1545Ref:GB 248 GUA BL/253Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesLanguage:ScotsMore Details
- 3Precept of sasine of the charter of James V granting an annual rent of 10 merks Scots to the Black Friars.11 March 1540Ref:GB 248 GUA BL/242Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesLanguage:LatinMore Details
- 4Charter by King James V in favour of the prior and convent of the Black Friars of the city of Glasgow, granting an annual rent of 10 merks Scots payable at Whitsunday and Martinmas out of the lands of Strathaven in Avondale.11 March 1540Ref:GB 248 GUA BL/241Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesLanguage:LatinMore Details
- 5Instrument of sasine of the charter of James V granting an annual rent of 10 merks Scots to the Black Friars.23 January 1541Ref:GB 248 GUA BL/243Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesLanguage:LatinMore Details
- 6General charter of confirmation, under the Great Seal, by James VI King of Scots of the rectory and vicarage of Govan, with the annexed teinds and other emoluments, and of the lands, houses and revenues formerly belonging to any order of friars, or to any chaplain or altar wihtin the city of Glasgow, and of the customs of the steelyard granted by the achbishop for the time being, and formerly confirmed by royal letters, and of the immunity from taxation, ratified to the college.15 July 1587Ref:GB 248 GUA BL/428Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesLanguage:latinMore Details
- 7Letter under the privy seal by James VI King of Scots, confirming to the university the grant of the customs of the steelyard, notwithstanding all acts of statutes to the contrary.17 June 1581Ref:GB 248 GUA BL/423Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesLanguage:ScotMore Details
- 8Letters of immunity under the Great Seal, by King James VI, taking the whole members and supposts of the college of Glasgow, with their lands, tenements, and other goods under his special protection, and confirming the university's exemption from taxation and from watch and ward.26 May 1579Ref:GB 248 GUA BL/421Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesLanguage:LatinMore Details
- 9Ratification of the said presentation by King James VI.18 January 1569Ref:GB 248 GUA BL/279Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesLanguage:LatinMore Details
- 10Charter by King James VI annexing the parish and church of Torrance to the parish of Kilbryde, and granting to the College of Glasgow the said united parish of Kilbryde and Torrence, with the teinds and casualties thereof; and also the rectory and vicarage of the church of Renfrew, with the whole teinds and emoluments, reserving to the present titulars their liferents of the said lands and teinds and appropriating 12 chalders to each of the ministers of Kilbryde and Renfrew, according to the allocation to be made after the death of the present titulars.12 June 1618Ref:GB 248 GUA BL/440Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesLanguage:LatinMore Details
- 11Charter, under the privy seal, by King James VII to the rector and principal, granting a tack of the parsonage and vicarage teinds of Colmonell, which had been set by the masters to Thomas Kennedy once Grange but had now fallen into the King's hands by reason of forfeiture od the said tacksman.19 May 1685Ref:GB 248 GUA BL/325Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesLanguage:ScotsMore Details
- 12Confirmation by King James VI of the gift by Queen Mary to the city of Glasgow of all the lands and houses pertaining to the chantries, altarages, prebendaries, and to the vicars and the Black and Grey friars of Glasgow. He also adds the third of the teinds with the surplus of all altarages, chantries, churches, colleges, annual rents and other commodities of all prebendaries and altarages founded within Glasgow Cathedral and all other churches, chapels or colleges in Glasgow for the sustenance of the 'Ministry' as the previous gift was not sufficient because the prebendaries were to keep their benefits for their lifetime.05 June 1570Ref:GB 248 GUA BL/288Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesLanguage:ScotsMore Details
- 13Charter of King James VI in favour of John Reid concerning the charter granted to him by the archbishop of Glasgow, with the consent of the dean and chapter.22 December 1582Ref:GB 248 GUA BL/359Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesLanguage:LatinMore Details
- 14Section IV. The Papers of David Laingcirca 1115-1895Ref:GB 237 Coll-1/La.IVLocation:Edinburgh University Library Heritage CollectionsExtent:40 volumes, 72 boxes (10 linear metres)More Details
- 15University of Edinburgh Charter1582Ref:GB 237 EUA GD4Location:Edinburgh University Library Heritage CollectionsName of creator:James I and VI 1566-1625 (King of England Scotland and Ireland).Extent:1 itemLanguage:LatinMore Details
- 16Judicial transumpts of several rights of the lands of Craigrossy in the shire of Perth, that is to say: 1) A charter by Robert Archbishop of Glasgow of the foundation, erection and donation of three chapels in the city of Glasgow with the donations thereof out of the said lands, confirmed by King James, dated 31 May 1503. 2) a charter of the said lands of Craigrossy by Robert Stewart of Scotland Earl of Strathearn to Thomas Symple with sasine thereon. 3) An instrument of resignation by John Lord Symple of the said lands in favour of the said Robert Archbishop of Glasgow. 4) A charter of the said lands of Craigrossy by King James IV in favour of the said archbishop, dated 24 May 1503. 5) Sasine and instrument of possession of the said lands in favour of the aforesaid chapels, dated 13 January 1503. 6) charter of confirmation by said King James of an erection and mortification by said archbishop of the chapel erected in the parish of Aderhaine in the bishopric of St Andrews with the dotation thereof out of some houses in Haddingtoun, dated 1506.1503Ref:GB 248 GUA BL/206Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesLanguage:LatinMore Details
- 17Charter under the great seal by King James VI to Robert Lord Boyd of the barony of Medross, granting the churches belonging of the said barony lying in shire of Ayr and Lenrick , and granting the right of patronage of subdeanery of Glasgow and the churches of Cadder and Monkland thereto annexed with their teinds, to be held blench for the yearly payment of 14 pounds, 6 shillings and 2 pence Scots.17 March 1624Ref:GB 248 GUA BL/450Location:University of Glasgow Archive ServicesLanguage:LatinMore Details
- 18Letter from James III of Scotland, 147415 June 1474Ref:GB 227 msDA783.8L4(ms1361)Location:University of St Andrews Special CollectionsName of creator:III James.Extent:1 volume, 1p and 1p transcriptLanguage:ScotsMore Details
- 19Charter of Anne of Denmark to David Routh, 161826 March 1618Ref:GB 227 msDA890.D9A6Location:University of St Andrews Special CollectionsName of creator:Anne of Denmark Queen consort of King James VI of Scotland.Extent:1pLanguage:EnglishMore Details
- 20Writ of James VI and Queen Anne of Scotland, 15911591Ref:GB 227 msDA788.G4B91Location:University of St Andrews Special CollectionsName of creator:James VI Queen Anne John Geddes.Extent:1fLanguage:ScotsMore Details